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  1. Drawing and poetry contests for peace in Taloqan

    1 October 2009... 2009 - Students in Takhar province have been calling for peace though a poetry and drawing competition.   ...

  2. Journalists inaugurate press club in Kandahar

    25 April 2010 25 April 2010 - Journalists in Kandahar achieved a major milestone last week when they inaugurated the first ever press club in the south of the country.  

  3. World Press Freedom Day: Freedom of Information

    3 May 2010 KABUL - Since the fall of the Taliban in 2001 Afghanistan has seen a remarkable boom in the media scene.

  4. UNESCO-Italy agree to support US$ 1 million media project

    10 December 2009... million agreement to develop the capacity of Educational Radio and Television of Afghanistan. ...

  5. Special elections news services from UNAMA

    18 August 2009 KABUL - UNAMA information for media representatives covering Afghanistan’s 2009 presidential and provincial council elections.

  6. KHOST: Residents complain of delays at Appeal's Court

    14 June 2012 KHOST - People in Khost province are displeased about the activities of the Appeal's Court, saying every day there are long line of clients in front of the court and their cases ar

  7. GHAZNI: Rebuilding the Centre of Islamic Culture underway

    14 June 2012 GHAZNI - The process to rebuild the Centre of Islamic Culture in Ghazni city has begun, the governor said on Wednesday.

  8. BALKH: Chinese Petroleum Company requests security at Amu River

    13 June 2012 BALKH - The head of Chinese Petroleum Company has requested President Karzai, on a visit to Beijing, to ensure security of the Amu River oil basin.

  9. GHAZNI: First local health magazine published

    12 June 2012 KABUL - The first ever health magazine comprising information on health relevant issues was published in Ghazni province.

  10. Construction underway on five schools

    12 June 2012 KHOST  - The foundation stone of the three school buildings for a higher Secondary and two primary schools were laid down in Khost province, said provincial officials on Sunday. 
