GHAZNI: Rebuilding the Centre of Islamic Culture underway

14 Jun 2012

GHAZNI: Rebuilding the Centre of Islamic Culture underway

GHAZNI - The process to rebuild the Centre of Islamic Culture in Ghazni city has begun, the governor said on Wednesday.

Mega projects for 2013, when the city would serve as the Asian capital of the Islamic civilization, included more than 41 schemes, including the construction of the proposed centre. The president, the Ministry of Urban Development and the provincial administration had set aside an amount of $25 million for the projects.

Governor Mohammad Musa Khan Akbarzada accused the ministries concerned of ignoring the province and not honoring their promises with regard to the province development, the Ministry of Finance did not release the province its budget in-time so they could have started work on the projects.

He said the projects to be completed until 2013 included the Islamic Culture Centre, a mosque, a gymnasium, a sports stadium and 50 residential schemes.

He said the centre was estimated to cost $18 million alone and that all the projects were required to be complete over next six months.

Source: Paktya Ghag Radio