UNAMA Human Rights Section gathers credible and accurate reports regarding the Human Rights situation in Afghanistan.

UNAMA continues to dialogue with the de facto authorities, advocating on reported violations and raising awareness in human rights standards.

Afghanistan as a state remains a party to a number of international human rights treaties. Reports present recommendations which aim to ensure that the obligations set out under these treaties – and the obligations owed by the de facto authorities to the Afghan population in respect of the protection and promotion of human rights- are upheld.



Lang (s)

Human Rights Situation in Afghanistan: April- June 2024 Update

30 July 2024

English, Dari, Pashto

Moral Oversight in Afghanistan: Impacts on Human Rights

9 July 2024

English, Dari, Pashto 

Human Rights Situation in Afghanistan: January - March 2024 Update

2 May 2024

English, Dari, Pashto

Human Rights Situation in Afghanistan: October - December 2023 Update

22 January 2024

English, Dari, Pashto

Divergence of Practice: The Handling of Complaints of Gender-Based Violence against Women and Girls by Afghanistan’s de facto Authorities 

14 December 2023

English, Dari, Pashto

Human Rights Situation in Afghanistan: July  - September 2023 Update

23 October 2023

English, Dari, Pashto

The treatment of detainees in Afghanistan 
Respecting human rights: a factor for trust

20 September 2023


A barrier to securing peace: Human rights violations against former government officials and former armed force members in Afghanistan

22 August 2023


Human Rights Situation in Afghanistan: May  - June 2023 Update

17 July  2023


Impact of Improvised Explosive Devices on civilians in Afghanistan

Annex:  Response by the De Facto Ministry of Foreign Affairs

27 June 2023

English, Dari, Pashto

English, Dari, Pashto

Human Rights Situation in Afghanistan: February - April 2023 Update

09 May 2023

English, DariPashto

UNAMA Brief on Corporal Punishment and the Death Penalty in Afghanistan

Annex: Response by the De Facto Ministry of Foreign Affairs

07 May 2023

English, Dari, Pashto


English, Dari, Pashto

UNAMA Report on Human rights in Afghanistan

July 2022

English, Dari, Pashto

Press release on Launch of Report on Human Rights in Afghanistan

20 July 2022

English, Dari, Pashto