BALKH: Chinese Petroleum Company requests security at Amu River

13 Jun 2012

BALKH: Chinese Petroleum Company requests security at Amu River

BALKH - The head of Chinese Petroleum Company has requested President Karzai, on a visit to Beijing, to ensure security of the Amu River oil basin.

An Afghan private security firm called ‘Watan Risk Management’ has undertaken the responsibility of ensuring security in the said area and the head of this security company Popal Ahmad Rateb is cousin of President Karzai.

Chinese authorities criticized General Abdul Rashid Dostum of creating hurdles to the oil extraction in Amu River oil basin.

General Dostum wants the security guards to be locally employed in an official Tashkil (structure), but this suggestion has been rejected by the Government, as well as teh the security firm and the Chinese Petroleum Company.

Deputy Attorney General Office Rahmatullah Nazari in a special interview quoted by Radio Azadi stated: “A committee has been established to look into the case. The committee will collect information in Kabul for two days and then will travel to Jawzjan at the end of the week to look into the case of General Dostum. Punishment of such a thing is very heavy and could mean a life sentence or execution.”

Source: Firuzkuh News