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  1. NANGARHAR: United Nations holds journalism training in Jalalabad

    10 January 2013 JALALABD - Journalists from Jalalabad in eastern Afghanistan said that they have gained benefits out of three-day journalism training held by Strategic Communication and Spokespers

  2. Story of Afghan family forced by poverty and neglect to live in a cave wins UNAMA radio prize

    17 January 2013 BAMYAN - A radio report on the difficulties of living in the caves in Bamyan that used to house towering Buddha statues won a national radio competition hosted by the Strategic Com

  3. Nuristan officials call on donors to step up more assistance to the isolated province

    29 January 2013 JALALABAD - Government officials from Afghanistan’s eastern province of Nuristan appealed to the international community yesterday to increase their assistance to the secluded prov

  4. KUNDUZ: ‘Cases of violence against women should be referred to official judicial organs’

    5 February 2013 KUNDUZ -  Kunduz Provincial officials and UNAMA highlighted the importance of resolving cases of violence against women through judicial organs rather than local informal mechani

  5. BALKH: UNAMA trains journalists on election reporting

    20 February 2013... MAZAR - The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) trained journalists in the country’s northern ...

  6. HERAT: Improved coordination and coherence in agro projects urged

    27 February 2013 HERAT - An agriculture development conference in Herat brought together representatives of the donor community, the Government, agriculture cooperatives and farmers to discuss the

  7. BALKH: Community police unit set up in Afghanistan’s north

    4 March 2013... northern region with support from the European Union Police Mission in Afghanistan ( ...

  8. UNAMA-backed female journalists group in Bamyan discusses progress and challenges

    6 March 2013 BAMYAN - Female journalists in the Afghan province of Bamyan held on Monday their first annual meeting since the formation of their professional association – a group supported by

  9. UN in Afghanistan joint press release on International Women's Day 2013

    8 March 2013 KABUL - As we observe the International Women’s Day, government representatives and activists are gathered at the United Nations in New York for an international g

  10. KUNDUZ: UNAMA trains local journalists on photography skills

    24 March 2013 KUNDUZ -  The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) trained a group of thirteen local journalists ...
