NANGARHAR: United Nations holds journalism training in Jalalabad

10 Jan 2013

NANGARHAR: United Nations holds journalism training in Jalalabad

JALALABD - Journalists from Jalalabad in eastern Afghanistan said that they have gained benefits out of three-day journalism training held by Strategic Communication and Spokespersons Unit of UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA). It concluded on 9 January 2013.

“The training is useful for me, particularly on the subject of journalists’ role in democratic society,” said Mariam Shaiba, a radio journalist of Kilid Radio, who was the only female participant in the training. “I misunderstood before about the concept of democracy.”

The three-day training was part of a series of journalism training that started in November 2012. In addition to journalists’ role in democratic society, the participants also learned about codes of ethics in journalism, finding a story idea, interview, writing feature and straight news.

In her inaugural speech, Heran Song, the Head of Eastern Regional Office of UNAMA said that informed citizens is key to develop a society and country, and journalists have important role to inform citizens. This message was reemphasized further during the session on democracy on the first day.

Participated by 27 journalists from different media organizations in Jalalabad, the training was held at UNAMA office from January 7 to 9. It used participatory based approach where the participants were regarded as knowledgeable adults

“You are in charge of the training, and I facilitate discussions and exercises,” said Setyo Budi, UNAMA radio producer and trainer, to the participants.

The training covered theory and practice, and in each session participants were required to participate in discussions and exercises.

“I like the practical activities in the training, particularly in interview session when we sat in a press conference,” said Ibrahim Prhar, a journalist of Safa FM radio. “I now understand that it is important to research information before attending a press conference.”

Many participants stated that they like the practical activities and regarded the subjects were useful.

“We benefited a lot out of this training, as there is no journalism faculty here. Similar training should be organized more often,” said Nangyally Nang of De Saba Storay FM Radio.

UNAMA plans to roll out the journalism training to Kunar Province as well as other regions of Afghanistan.

UNAMA Jalalabad