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  1. Boosting cities' food resilience

    19 November 2011 18 November 2011 - From rooftops to railroad tracks, Asia's largest cities will need to maximize every bit of space to feed one of the world's fastest-growing populations, said experts at a UN Food

  2. Tadamichi Yamamoto’s statement on UN day

    24 October 2017

  3. UN chief in Afghanistan: Do more now to protect civilians - UNAMA releases civilian casualty data for the first quarter of 2016

    17 April 2016 KABUL - The UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) calls on all parties to the conflict to take precautions to protect civilians during operations.

  4. Media Commission calls on Afghan press institutions to submit financial reports ahead of deadline

    12 May 2014 KABUL - The head of Afghanistan’s Electoral Media Commission – part of the Independent Election Commission (IEC) – today called on the country’s media institutions to submit the

  5. Afghan poll observer group calls for transparency in vote tallying and complaints adjudication

    17 June 2014 KABUL - In the wake of last Saturday’s second round run-off in Afghanistan’s Presidential elections, one of the country’s largest election observer groups today called on the Af

  6. Press conference with UNAMA and UNHCR

    3 November 2008 KABUL - Transcript of press conference by Ewen MacLeod, Acting Representative in Afghanistan, UNHCR and Dr. Nazifullah Salarzai, UNAMA Spokesperson’s Office.

  7. Amid challenges, UN supports Afghan efforts to improve corrections facilities

    8 July 2013 KABUL - Extreme overcrowding, a lack of medical care and poor sanitation.

  8. UN-backed Afghan vaccination drive to reach 8 million children

    28 April 2013 KABUL - During a United Nations-backed global campaign to vaccinate children this week, Afghan Government officials are aiming to administer anti-measles and anti-polio vaccines al

  9. Fewer casualties caused by pro-Goverment forces, increase from anti-Government forces

    9 August 2012 KABUL - About a month ago a Kabul resident was enjoying a midsummer evening with his family at a hotel on a lake outside of the city.

  10. Fewer casualties caused by pro-Goverment forces, increase from anti-Government forces

    8 August 2012 KABUL - About a month ago a Kabul resident was enjoying a midsummer evening with his family at a hotel on a lake outside of the city.
