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  1. Statement by UN Special Representative Ján Kubiš on the occasion of the Holy month of Ramadan

    24 July 2012... - The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) congratulates the people and Government of Afghanistan on the arrival of ...

  2. Roundtable discussions explore Islamic perspectives on peace and reconciliation

    1 August 2012... - To mark the beginning of the Holy month of Ramadan, UNAMA field offices throughout the country organized a series of radio and TV ...

  3. Top UN official in Afghanistan urges support for economic and social development post-Chicago

    30 May 2012 KABUL - Good morning to everyone and welcome to this regular meeting with the press, once again I am very grateful to the centre that we can use this excellent facility and I am th

  4. Helmand officials travel to Kabul to get their calls for development aid heard

    6 September 2012 KABUL - Government officials from restive Helmand province in southern Afghanistan travelled all the way to the capital, Kabul, earlier this week to get their calls for more inv

  5. KUNDUZ: Provincial Governor honours ‘peace advocates’

    17 September 2012 KUNDUZ - A series of cultural and sports activities such as drawing competition among schoolchildren, volleyball match between ex-Taliban fighters and prison inmates, and football

  6. Secretary-General appoints Mark Bowden of the UK Deputy Special Representative for Afghanistan

    21 September 2012 New York  - United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today announced the appointment of Mark Bowden of the United Kingdom as his Deputy Special Representative for Afghanistan.

  7. KUNDUZ: Call for peace through poetry

    25 September 2012 KUNDUZ  - The Kunduz Provincial Peace Committee, in collaboration with the United Nations, organized a poetry event under the title “Peace and National Unity Evening Poetry” at Kund

  8. BAMYAN: Women’s role for peace and security discussed

    3 October 2012 BAMYAN - Civil Society and Human Rights Network (CSHRN) organized a one-day conference to highlight the role of women for peace in Afghanistan, yesterday.

  9. UN special envoy, Ján Kubiš, calls for a spirit of peace and harmony during Eid-ul-Adha

    25 October 2012 KABUL - On behalf of the United Nations in Afghanistan I extend my greetings to all the people of Afghanistan and to all UN staff in the country as we start to celebrate Eid-ul-Adh

  10. New UN deputy special envoy arrives in Kabul

    15 November 2012 KABUL – Mark Bowden of the United Kingdom arrived in Kabul today to take up the position of Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Afghanistan.
