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  1. Outgoing UN envoy awarded Presidential Medal following address to international conference on women

    6 March 2010... expressed concerns over the country’s amnesty law and a recent presidential elect ...

  2. UNAMA notes report of President’s delegation on detention

    11 February 2013 KABUL - UNAMA notes the announcement today of the main findings and recommendations of ...

  3. Peaceful messages amplified by UNAMA equipment

    23 February 2012... - As part of its outreach efforts to religious institutions UNAMA’s office in Afghanistan’s Eastern Region donated sound systems, ...

  4. UN Special Representative visits Iran

    23 May 2010 23 May 2010 - The Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Afghanistan, Staffan de Mistura, today concluded a two-day official visit to the Islamic Republic of Iran where

  5. Security Council press statement on terrorist attack in Herat

    25 October 2010 NEW YORK - The members of the Security Council condemned in the strongest terms the terrorist attack against the United Nations operations center in the western city of Herat, Afgh

  6. UN Special Representative visits Iran

    5 September 2011 KABUL - The Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Afghanistan, Staffan de Mistura, today concluded a two-day official visit to the Islamic Republic of

  7. Security Council press statement on terrorist attack in Herat

    30 October 2010 KABUL - The members of the Security Council condemned in the strongest terms the terrorist attack against the United Nations operations center in the western city of Herat, Afghani

  8. Media conference tackles Afghan journalist security, freedom of expression

    16 March 2016 KABUL - Journalist security and freedom of expression were the focus of a conference in Kabul yesterday, attended by media professionals from across Afghanistan.

  9. Security Council extends the mandate of United Nations Mission in Afghanistan by one year

    18 March 2017 NEW YORK - The UN Security Council has adopted a resolution extending the mandate of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan until 17 March

  10. General Assembly chief deplores threat to burn copies of Koran

    15 September 2010... President Ali Treki has added his voice to United Nations concern about the threat by a Christian clergyman in the United States to burn ...
