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  1. Press conference with UNAMA and UNODC

    1 December 2008 KABUL - Transcript of press conference by Christina Oguz, UNODC Country Representative for Afghanistan, Norah Niland, UNAMA, Chief Human Rights Officer and Dr.

  2. Laghman leaders urge citizens to participate in upcoming elections

    6 May 2018... MEHTARIAM - Participants in a UN-backed radio programme in Laghman’s capital city urged Afghan citizens to exercise their ...

  3. Bamyan discusses advancing women’s rights and access to justice

    9 September 2018 BAMYAN – To improve women’s access to justice, efforts must focus on creating a more user-friendly judicial system, combating discriminatory practices and supporting grassroots adv

  4. GHAZNI: 40 infrastructure projects launched in Andar District

    6 December 2012 GHAZNI  - Under the National Solidarity Programme (NSP), different small and large scale infrastructure projects have ...

  5. NANGARHAR: United Nations holds journalism training in Jalalabad

    10 January 2013 JALALABD - Journalists from Jalalabad in eastern Afghanistan said that they have gained benefits out of three-day journalism training held by Strategic Communication and Spokespers

  6. UN report urges Afghanistan to recruit female teachers locally to boost girls’ education

    29 January 2014 KABUL - A United Nations report released today said that female teachers are “urgently needed” to boost the education of girls in Afghanistan, which has the highest level of gen

  7. Afghanistan becomes green again

    16 July 2009 16 July 2009 - With the winter past, the spring rains over and the hot summer upon Afghanistan parts of the country become truly green again.  

  8. Empowering women entrepreneurs in Herat

    20 April 2015... economic empowerment, the UN unveiled a new training programme for women and girls in Afghanistan’s western province of Herat. ...

  9. KHOST: Anti-pneumonia vaccination campaign commences

    16 December 2013 KHOST - Around 100,000 children under one year of age will be given free vaccine against pneumonia during a campaign started by the Ministry of Public Health for children in Khost

  10. Afghanistan’s Wildlife: Past and Present

    14 May 2009 14 May 2009 - In May 1507 during a punitive raid into the plains south of Ghazni, the future Mughal Emperor Babur, describes how he and his horsemen took a day off from slaughtering rebellious Afgh
