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  1. Bamyan residents celebrate international ‘creative city’ recognition

    16 February 2016 BAMYAN - Hundreds of Bamyan residents in the central Afghan province gathered last week to celebrate being included among UNESCO’s global creative cities network.

  2. Afghan authorities say figures so far show 40 percent of eligible voters had cast their ballots

    18 September 2010 18 September 2010 - The Afghan Independent Election Commission (IEC), which was responsible for conducting today’s parliamentary polls, said late on Saturday that counting of the votes had so far s

  3. Press conference with the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Kai Eide

    2 August 2009 KABUL - Transcript of press conference by Kai Eide, Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Afghanistan and Aleem Siddique, Spokesperson, UNAMA Strategic

  4. KHOST: Government urged to take ‘realistic measures’ for transparent polls

    7 January 2014 KHOST - Religious scholars, tribal elders and civil society activists on Monday asked the government and the Free and Fair Election Foundation of Afghanistan (FEFA) to take “realis

  5. Afghan cricket team trains enthusiasts in Jalalabad

    13 October 2010 13 October 2010 - About 130 cricket-frenzied girls in Afghanistan’s eastern Nangarhar province gathered on Monday in Jalalabad to play a UN-funded cricket match, something unthinkable for girls unt

  6. Briefing by Special Representative Deborah Lyons to the Security Council

    26 January 2022 Briefing to the United Nations Security Council

  7. Afghan journalists join UN in marking World Press Freedom Day

    2 May 2022... Antony Tam of UNESCO Afghanistan read out statement of Audrey Azoulay, the UNESCO Director-General. (UN Photo / Richard ...

  8. Bamyan begins training for first national Afghan household survey

    8 August 2011 BAMYAN - Hundreds of field workers in the Central Highlands Region have begun training for the first national door-to-door survey of Afghan households.

  9. IEC, ECC begin audit in Afghan Presidential Election

    5 October 2009 KABUL - The auditing of 358 suspicious ballot boxes from Afghanistan’s 20 August presidential elections began today.

  10. Bracing for a reduced wheat harvest

    23 June 2011 Afghanistan is likely to face a significant food shortage in the coming months, following poor rains which have affected this season’s wheat crop.
