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  1. UN chief says discovery of vast mineral deposits in Afghanistan should be managed properly

    8 November 2012... Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said in a recent statement that the mineral deposits discovere ...

  2. UN on the sectarian violence in Pakistan

    26 February 2013 NEW YORK - The United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is deeply concerned by the sectarian violence ongoing in Pakistan.

  3. UN Secretary-General strongly condemns Kabul attack

    24 May 2013 NEW YORK - UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon strongly condemns the attack involving the compound of the International Organization for Migration that took place in Kabul on Friday,

  4. Afghan civil society establishes network to support election

    22 July 2013 KABUL - Around 60 domestic organizations came together today to establish a network whose aim is to allow Afghan civil society groups to play a robust role in making next year’s

  5. BAMYAN: Governor wins major award

    28 July 2013 BAMYAN - Bamyan Governor Dr Habiba Sarabi was among the recipients of this year’s Ramon Magsaysay Award.

  6. World Press Freedom Day marked in Kabul, speakers call for enhanced safety for journalists

    3 May 2015 KABUL - World Press Freedom Day was marked in Afghanistan today with speeches and awards to journalists who produced top reports on key issues affecting the lives of Afghans.

  7. Building trust in Afghan elections the goal of new reform commission

    23 July 2015 KABUL  - Eliminating fraud and building trust in Afghan elections are the objectives of a newly established electoral reform body, said one of its members at a Kabul press conferenc

  8. Planning for Afghanistan’s resilience to a changing climate

    3 March 2015 KABUL - In June, Afghanistan’s National Environmental Protection Agency (NEPA) declared the Shah Foladi region of Bamyan province as the third protected area in the country.

  9. Children and Armed Conflict

    9 September 2015 This section includes United Nations and other reports on the subject of Children and Armed Conflict in Afghanistan, with the focus on how children are affected by conflict environments.

  10. UN Secretary-General strongly condemns Kunduz air strikes

    4 October 2015 NEW YORK  - The Secretary-General strongly condemned the air strikes in Kunduz that resulted in the death and injury of medical workers and patients at a Médecins Sans
