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  1. Nearly 8 million Afghan children to benefit in latest UN polio vaccination drive

    16 March 2010... 15 March 2010 - United Nations agencies and the Afghan health ministry are conducting a three-day campaign aimed at vaccinating an estimated ...

  2. Top Afghan and UN health officials in Kabul warn of dangers from drug resistance

    7 April 2011 KABUL - The Afghan Ministry of Public Health and the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) are warning that ...

  3. Building starts on second maternity ward in Bamyan province

    30 April 2009 BAMYAN - People from the ancient city of Bamyan, the government and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) have joined together to build a new maternity ward in Bamyan’s provi

  4. UN-managed humanitarian fund to respond to urgent health and nutrition needs in Afghanistan

    10 July 2014... KABUL - Around one million people in Afghanistan are expected to benefit from emergency health and nutrition projects, thanks to the first grant allocations from a ...

  5. Afghanistan set to become self-sufficient in wheat production

    4 May 2009 4 May 2009 - Afghanistan is likely to become self-sufficient in wheat production this year ...

  6. Afghan media watchdog reports 64 per cent increase in violence against journalists in 2014

    31 December 2014 KABUL - An Afghan media watchdog today reported a 64 per cent increase in violence against journalists in 2014 and called for greater protection of media workers.

  7. TV news last night

    20 August 2009 20 August 2009 - 08:59 am: UNAMA's media summary from the main Afghan TV news last night is now available. A media blackout on election campaign reporting was in place.

  8. WHO calls for intensified response to Afghan health challenges

    26 April 2010... Kabul today, Dr Eric Laroche, Assistant Director-General for Health Action in Crises, World Health Organization (WHO) and Peter Graaff,  WHO Country Represe ...

  9. UNICEF supporting government response to the needs of children affected by floods

    2 August 2010 KABUL - UNICEF is distributing emergency assistance in the provinces that have been worst affected by recent floods, ensuring that the urgent needs of children are met.

  10. Improving mental health among Afghan youth highlighted on International Youth Day

    12 August 2014... KABUL - Highlighting the need for improving mental health among Afghanistan’s youth, a United Nations official today said that mental health ...
