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  1. Ghor provincial priorities in spotlight at UNAMA-supported forum

    20 March 2011 March 20 - Stability in the central province of Ghor could be at risk if its development priorities are not addressed, warned the provincial governor in a one-day forum that brought together local

  2. PAKTYA: Work on construction of Ghazni airport starts

    3 July 2013 GHAZNI - Work has been started on construction of an airport in south-eastern Afghan province of Ghazni.

  3. Improving government services in Afghanistan’s east spotlighted in UN-backed radio debate

    18 July 2017 JALALABAD - In a recent UN-backed radio programme in Nuristan, civil society representatives debated with government officials the most effective ways to improve services for the r

  4. Conflict continues to take a devastating toll on civilians - UN report

    9 August 2012... the first six months of 2012, conflict-related violence in Afghanistan continued to take a devastating toll on civilians, the United ...

  5. ILO Calls For Creating Sustainable Development

    7 June 2012... employment and decent work need to be made priorities in Afghanistan. ...

  6. Youth underscore their key role in preventing violent extremism during UN-backed event

    23 July 2019 KABUL - Young people should be at the forefront of preventing and responding to violent extremism, said participants at a UN-backed youth event held in Kabul.

  7. Shifting tactics drive record high Afghan civilian death toll in first half of 2011

    14 July 2011... drove the 15 percent increase in civilian casualties in Afghanistan in the first half of this year,United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (U ...

  8. Regional Engagement Crucial as Afghan Transition Gathers Pce – Ban

    26 March 2012 NEW YORK - As Afghanistan’s transition picks up pace, regional engagement becomes even more ...

  9. Spokesperson for the Secretary-General on suicide bombing in Kandahar

    11 March 2009... strongly condemns the suicide bombing in Kandahar, Afghanistan, today that killed an estimated 80 people. ...

  10. More effective and transparent means of resolving disputes over water rights

    23 October 2016... demand for water to support agricultural development in Afghanistan, which has been badly affected by conflict, deteriorating ...
