At UN-backed debate, Bamyan leaders call for unity across Afghanistan
BAMYAN - Addressing residents of the central highlands region in a UN-backed debate, government officials, civil society groups and a broad range of other community leaders emphasized the critical importance of using dialogue to foster unity at all levels of society, from the social to the political.
For the latest public debate backed by the Bamyan regional office of the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA), government officials gathered with civil society groups and youth advocates in the provincial capital to strategize on the best ways to foster dialogue.
Those leading the debate, along with members of the audience, spoke about the importance of promoting peace, and underlined the need for all member of Afghan society to express views on issues that are important to them.
The discussion was recorded and later broadcast by radio to audiences in and around the provincial capital.
Earlier this year, in June, Tadamichi Yamamoto, the UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Afghanistan, briefed the Security Council on the situation in the country, and described how political fault-lines have emerged increasingly along an ethnic basis.
The UN envoy characterized those fault-lines as “particularly worrying” at a time when the Islamic State is attempting to provoke sectarian strife, and stressed that efforts at inclusiveness and building consensus for political stability are critical.
In Bamyan, and in other provinces across Afghanistan, UNAMA has been working with government officials and civil society groups to create platforms using radio, television and social media for Afghans to engage in dialogue, discuss key issues affecting their communities and build consensus.
UNAMA is mandated to support the Afghan Government and the people of Afghanistan as a political mission that provides 'good offices' among other key services. 'Good offices' are diplomatic steps UN takes publicly and in private, drawing on its independence, impartiality and integrity, to prevent international disputes from arising, escalating or spreading.
UNAMA also promotes coherent development support by the international community; assists the process of peace and reconciliation; monitors and promotes human rights and the protection of civilians in armed conflict; promotes good governance; and encourages regional cooperation.