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  1. Briefing by Special Representative Ján Kubiš to the Security Council

    20 September 2012 Download 120920_srsg_briefing_to_the_security_council_by_jan_kubis-final-eng.pdf (57.63 KB)

  2. World Press Freedom Day marked in Kabul, speakers call for enhanced safety for journalists

    3 May 2015... KABUL - World Press Freedom Day was marked in Afghanistan today with speeches and awards to journalists who produced top ...

  3. Afghanistan’s female judges discuss challenges in justice delivery

    4 September 2013... KABUL - More than 180 female judges from across Afghanistan discussed problems they face while going about their duties, at a ...

  4. Security Council press statement on Kabul Conference

    24 July 2010... NEW YORK - The following Security Council press statement on Afghanistan was read out today by Council President U. Joy Ogwu ( Nigeria): ...

  5. Interview with Staffan de Mistura, Special Representative for Afghanistan

    29 March 2011... – Staffan de Mistura took up his current assignment as the Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Afghanistan and head of the United ...

  6. Afghanistan and its Supporters: A Better Way Forward

    7 May 2009... 7 May 2009 - This week, the presidents of the United States, Afghanistan and Pakistan with the engagement of their top advisors, hold the ...

  7. Legal practitioners assess forced and underage marriages in Afghanistan

    18 December 2011 KABUL - Over 80 representatives from Judiciary, Attorney General’s Office, Ministry of Interior, Prosecutors, human rights and civil ...

  8. Afghanistan: UN strongly condemns deadly suicide blast in capital

    9 October 2009... terms” the suicide bombing at the Indian embassy in Afghanistan this morning that reportedly killed 17 people and injured anoth ...

  9. Security Council, Secretary-General deplore brutal bombing in southern Afghanistan

    27 August 2009... KABUL - The Security Council, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and the senior United Nations official in Afghanistan have ...

  10. Report of the Secretary-General: The situation in Afghanistan and its implications for international peace and security

    21 June 1999 Download 21 June 1999.pdf (29.32 KB)
