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  1. KANDAHAR: Police seize 80 KG of opium

    7 August 2013 KANDAHAR - Around 80 kilograms of opium was seized from a bus traveling along the Kandahar – ...

  2. UN envoy Yamamoto meets Pakistan Foreign Secretary during Islamabad visit

    25 August 2017 ISLAMABAD - The UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Afghanistan, Tadamichi Yamamoto, met ...

  3. UN's Eide meets US Defense Secretary

    9 December 2009... 2009 - The United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Afghanistan, Kai Eide, today met with the US Secretary of Defense, ...

  4. UN General Assembly Resolutions

    12 December 2022 The UN General Assembly regularly debates the situation in Afghanistan and issues resolutions, recommending actions to the Secretary-General, Security Council, and/or approving financial assistance. ...

  5. UN General Conditions of Contract

    14 July 2015 UN General Conditions of Contract   ...

  6. Remarks by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon at the Afghanistan Conference

    28 January 2010... commitment to assist the government and people of Afghanistan." ...

  7. TV news last night

    20 August 2009 20 August 2009 - 08:59 am: UNAMA's media summary from the main Afghan TV news last night is now available. A media blackout on election campaign reporting was in place.

  8. General Assembly adopts a resolution reaffirming continued long-term support to Afghanistan

    28 November 2012... NEWYORK  - The United Nations General Assembly adopted a “consensus resolution” in New York yesterday ...

  9. UN General Assembly resolution pledges continued international support to Afghanistan

    21 November 2013... NEW YORK - The United Nations General Assembly on Wednesday unanimously adopted a resolution pledging continued international support to Afghanistan as the country undergoes politi ...

  10. General Assembly: The situation in Afghanistan

    30 November 2018 Download general_assembly_30_november_2018.pdf (466.94 KB) ...
