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  1. General Assembly: The situation in Afghanistan

    24 January 2007 Download general_assembly_24_january_2007.pdf (63.97 KB) ...

  2. Resolution adopted by the General Assembly

    15 January 2003 Download general_assembly_15_january_2003.pdf (34.41 KB) ...

  3. Open-ended Panel of the General Assembly on “Afghanistan: one year later”

    27 November 2002 Download general_assembly_27_november_2002.pdf (22.64 KB) ...

  4. General Assembly: The situation in Afghanistan

    22 November 2019 Download a_74_l.13_e.pdf (341.92 KB)

  5. UN General Assembly establishes International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists

    28 November 2013... NEW YORK - The United Nations General Assembly adopted unanimously a resolution this week to create an ...

  6. Press conference with UNAMA's Senior UN Spokesman, Adrian Edwards

    24 March 2009 KABUL - Press conference by Adrian Edwards, Senior UN Spokesman, UNAMA, Nazifullah Salarzai, Press Officer, UNAMA.

  7. SRSG Lyons at the World Press Freedom Day 2021 ceremony

    5 May 2021... The following is a transcript of the closing remarks of the Secretary-General's Special Representative for Afghanistan, Deborah Lyons, at the World ...

  8. Press conference with United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations, Alain Le Roy,

    9 February 2009... - Transcript of press conference by Alain Le Roy, Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations, Kai Eide, Special Representative of the UN ...

  9. Afghan Government and United Nations agree to strengthen their partnership

    14 February 2013... - The second annual meeting between the Government of Afghanistan and the United Nations Country Team took place today to discuss ...

  10. Joint International Community statement on World Press Freedom Day

    1 May 2019 KABUL  - 3 May is World Press Freedom Day.
