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  1. Women as negotiators, mediators and peace brokers emphasized in radio shows

    7 October 2020 GARDEZ/JALALABAD  – Women need to be meaningfully involved to end the conflict, including in ongoing peace negotiations, said panellists

  2. From Bamyan cave to Kabul mountain

    23 April 2009 23 April 2009 - Dost Mohammad Khan left from Bamyan seven years ago. Since then he has been living with his family of nine on Koh-e Shir Darwaza [lion gate mountain].

  3. Stateless Afghans

    26 April 2009 26 April 2009 - Five thousand families have lived across Afghanistan for decades, but none of them have Afghan citizenship.

  4. Jalalabad’s new radio station seeks young listeners

    22 July 2010 22 July 2010 - Hamesha Bahar 90.7FM or “Spring Forever” is on the air in Afghanistan’s eastern regional hub of Jalalabad.  

  5. Boosting girls’ education in Takhar & Badakhshan provinces focus of UNAMA-backed TV roundtables

    4 August 2016... education for the country’s future was the focus of twin UNAMA-supported TV roundtables in northeastern Takhar and Badakhshan provinces. ...

  6. Struggle for Bamyan’s policewomen

    17 May 2009 BAMYAN - Five years ago, in the central province of Bamyan in Afghanistan, one woman walked into a police station to join up.

  7. Youth empowerment: The key to development and prosperity

    24 May 2009 24 May 2009 - A UN programme is reaching out to isolated areas of Afghanistan to encourage young people to study and then to seek employment.  

  8. UN’s work for Afghanistan’s environment honoured

    4 April 2010 4 April 2010 - The United Nations Environment Programme in Afghanistan has been honoured with one of the country’s highest awards.  

  9. Fighting TB in the west with support from the UN health agency and donors

    20 August 2010 21 August 2010 - With her face covered by a burka, 18-year-old Shukria walks every day to the Herat provincial Tuberculosis (TB) centre to take four different medicines in front of a health care wo

  10. Afghanistan’s Parliament convenes

    26 January 2011 KABUL - Afghanistan’s Lower House of Parliament, the Wolesi Jirga, convened today as its 249 members were sworn in by President Hamid Karzai.
