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  1. Spring arrives and Afghan poetry blossoms

    1 April 2010 1 April 2010 - The traditional annual “Narinj Gul” or Orange Blossom Festival has been marked in Jalalabad today.  

  2. Statement by Kai Eide, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Afghanistan

    31 December 2009 KABUL - In the early morning of 27 December, ten Afghans were killed during a raid by Afghan  and international military forces in Narang district of Kunar province. 

  3. Security Council holds meetings in Kabul

    22 June 2010 22 June 2010 - The United Nations Security Council held a series of meetings in Kabul today, its first full day since arriving in Afghanistan in the evening of 22 June.  

  4. Bamyan civil society leaders develop plan to enhance government transparency

    21 August 2016 BAMYAN - Strengthening civil society’s role in decision-making at the grassroots level, with a view to enhance government transparency and accountability, was the aim of a UN-backe

  5. Women’s essential role in peace efforts spotlighted in southeastern events

    30 January 2020 KHOST - The crucial importance of Afghan women’s meaningful participation in peace efforts, locally and nationally, was the focus of two UN-backed events in the so

  6. Afghan human rights activist accepts international peace prize

    9 June 2011 9 June 2011 - The chair of the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission has accepted the 2010 Tipperary International Peace Award for her contribution to freedom and democracy in Afghanistan

  7. Regional civil society network created to strengthen electoral work

    14 June 2015 MAZAR-I-SHARIF - More than 100 people gathered in Mazar-i-Sharif, in Afghanistan’s northern Balkh province, to discuss electoral issues and form a new r

  8. Civil society and government forge stronger ties in Kunduz

    27 April 2016 KUNDUZ - Promoting good governance was the focus of the first of a series of north-eastern provincial meetings designed to enhance the ability of civil society organizations to for

  9. Humanitarian community in Afghanistan seeks US$ 471 million to meet growing challenges in 2013

    27 January 2013 KABUL - The Government of Afghanistan and the humanitarian community in the country launched an appeal on 26 January to the international community to provide US$ 471 million to

  10. Bamyan civil society networks formed to foster good governance

    11 September 2016 BAMYAN - An agreement to establish district-level civil society networks to promote improved transparency and accountability in local governance was the key outcome of a UN-backed
