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  1. UN Condemns Attacks on Civilians in Kabul

    2 May 2012 KABUL - The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan condemns in the strongest terms the car bomb and suicide attack in the Afghan capital Kabul that killed eight civilians

  2. UN Condemns Attacks on Civilians in Kabul

    24 May 2012 KABUL - The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan condemns in the strongest terms the car bomb and suicide attack in the Afghan capital Kabul that killed eight civilians

  3. United Nations condemns attack on public hospital in Logar

    25 June 2011... - The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) condemns in the strongest terms the attack at a public hospital in the ...

  4. Statement on the High Peace Council by Staffan de Mistura, Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Afghanistan

    1 November 2010... Nations held useful and constructive discussions with the High Peace Council of Afghanistan, responding to the Council’s request for ...

  5. United Nations concerned over killing of civilians in Kunar province

    8 April 2013... -  The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) expresses its serious concern over the deaths of at least 11 civilians, ...

  6. Herat officials meet on UN-backed development plan

    22 February 2015 HERAT - The Government of Afghanistan’s western Herat province presented last week a three-year plan, consisting of more than 1,000 development projects, to international donors.

  7. Afghan police women discuss ways to mitigate civilian casualties

    26 April 2015 BAMYAN - Afghan police women met in Bamyan at a United Nations workshop to discuss the practical implementation of key UN resolutions on women’s rights and the protection of civili

  8. SRSG: Afghanistan won’t survive without peace

    10 May 2015 KABUL -  “War is unaffordable” for Afghanistan and the country won’t survive if there isn’t peace.

  9. Public-private partnerships key to socio-economic development

    8 June 2015 HERAT -  The importance of expanded public-private partnerships to propel economic growth and social development was highlighted at a conference in Herat.

  10. Regional Cooperation

    6 July 2015 UNAMA is mandated by the UN Security Council to support regional cooperation, ...
