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  1. Greater political will needed to fight corruption in Afghanistan, senior UN officials urge

    11 December 2011... - The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) today called on Afghan leaders to make greater use of the legal system ...

  2. Afghan election body seeks support of religious scholars, elders in mobilizing public for 2014 polls

    16 September 2013 KABUL - The Independent Election Commission of Afghanistan (IEC) sought active support of the country’s ulema (‘religious scholars’) and community elders in raising awaren

  3. Briefing to Security Council by Deputy Special Representative Ingrid Hayden

    31 March 2020 KABUL/NEW YORK -  The following is a transcript of a briefing by video-conference to the United Nations Security Council by the Secretary-General’s Deputy Special Representative fo

  4. Journalists in Afghanistan’s northeast strategize on media’s role in advancing peace

    20 July 2017 KUNDUZ - In the northeast region of Afghanistan, the UN is working on an initiative to leverage the power of local radio and television to build support among communities for reduc

  5. Nuristan officials call on donors to step up more assistance to the isolated province

    29 January 2013 JALALABAD - Government officials from Afghanistan’s eastern province of Nuristan appealed to the international community yesterday to increase their assistance to the secluded prov

  6. Election Day 2009: Afghanistan votes

    19 August 2009 20 August 2009 - 12:01 am: Afghanistan votes today in historic presidential and provincial council elections.

  7. Women’s access to justice the focus of discussion at Baghlan event

    13 September 2018 PUL-E-KHUMRI - Participants at a UN-backed event in the northeastern capital of Baghlan recommended that crimes of violence against women should go through the formal justice syste

  8. UN strongly condemns deadly attack against staff in Afghanistan

    2 April 2011 2 April 2011 - The Security Council and Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon have strongly condemned today’s attack in Afghanistan in which a large crowd of demonstrators angry at the burning of a copy of

  9. Daikundi residents come together to resolve tensions and push for peace

    22 February 2017 NILI - In a daylong event, local leaders laid the groundwork for a new peace and reconciliation process to defuse long-standing tensions with an armed group, whose activities have


    8 March 2012... Day, the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) and UN Women urged the Government of Afghanistan to fully and promptly ...
