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  1. New radio partnership extends civic programming to remote Panjshir communities

    17 March 2016... between a central Panjshir province radio station and UNAMA will kick off over the next three months with a series of broadcasts on ...

  2. Secretary-General’s remarks to the high-level segment of the 16th Non-Aligned Movement Summit

    30 August 2012 Tehran  - I thank our hosts for organizing this important Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement and I would like to pay tribute to Egypt as the outgoing chair of the last three years.

  3. De Mistura arrives in Afghanistan to take up post as UN envoy

    13 March 2010 13 March 2010 - The recently-appointed Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Afghanistan, Staffan de Mistura, arrived in Kabul today to take up his post as top UN offic

  4. Kunduz airstrike kills 13 civilians, mostly children – UN initial findings

    25 March 2019 KABUL  - An airstrike conducted by international military forces on the night of Friday to Saturday in Kunduz in support of pro-Government forces on the

  5. United Nations condemns deliberate targeting of civilians in Farah attack

    4 April 2013... - The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) strongly condemns an attack against a Government compound in the ...

  6. NANGARHAR: United Nations holds journalism training in Jalalabad

    10 January 2013 JALALABD - Journalists from Jalalabad in eastern Afghanistan said that they have gained benefits out of three-day journalism training held by Strategic Communication and Spokespers

  7. UNAMA-supported television series premiered in Kabul

    21 January 2013 KABUL - A 15-part television series, Kocha-e-Ma (Our Street) , that tells the story of real life in Afghanistan in an imaginary area of old Kabul, was premiered in Kabul ye

  8. Press conference: UN Security Council Representative Peter Wittig on child protection

    7 June 2011 KABUL - Ambassador Peter Wittig, Germany’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations; Chair of the UN Security Council Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict; and of the

  9. New documentary and round-tables highlight the violence faced by Afghan women

    25 November 2012... Elimination of Violence against Women today by screening a UNAMA-produced video documentary amidst a cere ...

  10. More effective and transparent means of resolving disputes over water rights

    23 October 2016 KABUL - The demand for water to support agricultural development in Afghanistan, which has been badly affected by conflict, deteriorating infrastructure and drought, often results
