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  1. Calls for women’s rights, inclusion heard at IWD 2018 events across Afghanistan

    13 March 2018 KABUL - Calls for increased protection of women’s rights and the inclusion of women in decision-making processes framed discussions at UN-backed events across Afghanistan.

  2. UNAMA assessment of juvenile rehabilitation centres finds improving conditions but pressing needs

    4 December 2016 KABUL  - A new United Nations report released today indicates positive trends in Afghanistan’s juvenile detention and rehabilitation facilities while also outlining a critical need

  3. HERAT: News summary from the province

    12 June 2012 HERAT - Below is a summary of the news from the province.

  4. UNAMA underlines obligations to protect civilians

    2 August 2010 KABUL - UNAMA is deeply concerned about reports of civilian casualties in Rege in Helmand Province on 23 July. ...

  5. Preliminary findings indicate airstrike killed and injured 26 civilians in Helmand province

    29 November 2018... findings from the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) indicate that as many as 23 civilians were killed and three injured ...

  6. Ban and Security Council condemn attack on UN compound in western Afghanistan

    25 October 2010 23 October 2010 (UN News Centre, New York) - Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and the Security Council today strongly condemned the suicide attack on the United Nations compound in Afghanistan's weste

  7. UNAMA underlines obligations to protect civilians

    27 July 2010 27 July 2010 - UNAMA is deeply concerned about reports of civilian casualties in Rege in Helmand Province on 23 July. ...

  8. UNAMA to advocate for enhanced women's participation in elections, senior official tells meeting

    19 March 2014... with the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) today told a group of representatives of civil society organizations ...

  9. UNAMA Year in Review February 2009: Secretary-General visits Afghanistan

    24 December 2009 KABUL - The United Nations and its partners launched the Humanitarian Action Plan (HAP) for Afghanistan in February and appealed for US$ 604 million to help meet the needs of Afgha

  10. UNAMA condemns killing of civilians in Ghazni

    1 June 2014... - The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) strongly condemns the killing of 12 civilians in Giro district, Ghazni ...
