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  1. Afghan women discuss media issues in Nangarhar

    12 April 2015... journalists in the eastern region of Afghanistan voiced concern over security issues and other challenges con ...

  2. UNAMA Year in Review July 2009: Election preparations and an Afghan climbing record

    30 December 2009 KABUL - July was election-preparation month for Afghanistan, with UN envoy Kai Eide calling for a stop to the interference by officials in the electoral process, and urging Afghans to participate i

  3. Civil society role in good governance crucial, say Bamyan leaders

    8 May 2016 BAMYAN - The development of action plans to strengthen the role of civil society in promoting good governance in Afghanistan was a key outcome of a UN-backed event in Bamyan last w

  4. In Herat, female candidates for the Parliament share campaign experiences

    12 August 2010 12 August 2010 - Female political candidates from Ghor, Badghis, Farah and Herat provinces in western Afghanistan discussed their rights and shared their experiences campaigning for the parliamenta

  5. Bamyan women leaders issue resolution on deteriorating security situation

    18 August 2012 Bamyan women leaders issued a resolution today highlighting the deteriorating security situation in Bamyan that negatively impacts on women’s participation in decision-making and p

  6. Outgoing UN envoy awarded Presidential Medal following address to international conference on women

    5 September 2011... expressed concerns over the country’s amnesty law and a recent presiden ...

  7. European Union Election Observation Mission to Afghanistan

    23 July 2009 23 July 2009 - Some 120 European observers are joining thousands of Afghan observers for the forthcoming presidential and provincial council elections in Afghanistan on 20 August.  

  8. European Union Election Observation Mission to Afghanistan

    24 July 2009 23 July 2009 - Some 120 European observers are joining thousands of Afghan observers for the forthcoming presidential and provincial council elections in Afghanistan on 20 August.  

  9. Top UN envoy to Afghanistan urges greater efforts to avoid civilian casualties

    15 April 2010... The top United Nations envoy in Afghanistan today voiced his concern over a “disturbing trend” of civilian casualties caused by recent international military operations in ...

  10. Bamyan commemorates 11th anniversary of destruction of Giant Buddhas

    10 March 2012 BAMYAN - Residents of Bamyan in Afghanistan’s central highlands converged today at the foot of the cavern where a Giant Buddha once stood to commemorate the 11th anniversary of its
