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  1. IDLO produces key legal resource for Afghan justice institutions

    15 March 2009 12 February 2009 - The International Development Law Organization (IDLO) is very pleased to announce the publishing of the first Human Rights and International Law Terms Glossary in Dari.

  2. Support of partners key to achieving UNAMA mandate

    4 January 2016 KANDAHAR - UNAMA recognized and thanked key Afghan partners for their support during 2015 ...

  3. Special Rapporteur calls for change to address violence against Afghan women

    12 November 2014 KABUL - The United Nations Special Rapporteur on violence against women, Rashida Manjoo, spoke to members of the media at a Kabul press conference, detailing her assessment of the

  4. UNHCR marks 30 years of helping Afghan refugees

    14 December 2009... KABUL - The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) will enter its fourth decade of ...

  5. Mid-Year Report 2011- Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict - 14 July

    14 July 2011 KABUL - Staffan de Mistura, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Afghanistan:

  6. UNAMA's weekly press conference

    15 March 2010 KABUL - UNAMA's weekly press conference every Monday in Kabul highlighting the work of ...

  7. UNAMA condemns killing of 17 civilians by Taliban

    14 May 2015... -  The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA)  strongly condemns yesterday’s killing of at least 17 civilians in ...

  8. Statement by Peter Crowley, UNICEF Representative in Afghanistan, on International Children's Day

    1 June 2011 1 June 2011 - On a day that is marked by many countries as International Children’s Day and dedicated to celebrating childhood, Afghanistan continues to be plagued by conflict and remains one of th

  9. Over 20 tons of illicit narcotics, precursor materials and alcohol burnt near Kabul

    12 November 2013 KABUL - Over 20 tons of illicit narcotics, precursor materials and alcohol – seized by Afghan authorities in raids in Kabul and its outs...

  10. Kai Eide: 2010 most challenging year in Afghanistan since fall of Taliban

    4 March 2010 KABUL - The Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Afghanistan, Kai Eide, has held his final press conference in Kabul.
