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  1. All eyes on the Afghan elections

    22 July 2009 22 July 2009 - Afghanistan is headed towards a new beginning in its history.

  2. Time for shift to greater Afghan responsibility for peace and stability – UN official

    18 March 2010 NEW YORK - The time has come to transform the relationship between Afghanistan and its partners to enable greater responsibility on the part of Afghans themselves and an increasing

  3. UNICEF establishes 52 new community schools in southeastern region

    1 June 2015 PAKTIKA -  Providing children with access to education in remote and conflict-affected areas, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) recently completed 52 new community-based s

  4. Virginity-related penalties “extremely unfair”, activists say

    27 April 2011 26 April 2011- The penalties that Afghan women suffer whenever allegations of pre-marital sex and loss of virginity emerge, including death, are extreme, discriminatory and not in the penal code, a

  5. ECC: Elections not about fraud but about empowering Afghan people

    15 September 2010 15 September - "This election is about giving honest people the magic experience of voting to have a say in the governance of their country," Judge Johann Kriegler of Afghanistan's Electoral Compla

  6. Two weeks until presidential run-off - IEC distributes polling kits

    24 October 2009 KABUL - The Independent Election Commission (IEC) has begun flying out election kits to different provinces across Afghanistan in preparation for the 7 November presidential poll.

  7. Overall poll process ‘good’ despite cases of fraud and violations of election law – observer group

    19 June 2014 KABUL - In its assessment of last Saturday’s second round run-off in Afghanistan’s Presidential elections, an Afghan election observer group today said that the election process

  8. Two weeks until presidential run-off - IEC distributes polling kits

    24 October 2009 24 October 2009 - The Independent Election Commission (IEC) has begun flying out election kits to different provinces across Afghanistan in preparation for the 7 November presidential poll.

  9. Children’s rights must be protected for Afghanistan’s future, said panellists in UN-backed radio debate

    30 August 2016 JALALABAD - The critical importance of strengthening children’s rights was highlighted at an UN-backed radio debate broadcast out of the capital of Afghanistan’s eastern province o

  10. Afghanistan and international community take stock of progress one year after Brussels conference

    5 October 2017 KABUL -  The Government of Afghanistan, the international community and representatives from Afghanistan’s civil society and private sector met today to discuss progress and achieve
