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  1. At UN-backed gathering, experts aim to improve response to cases of violence against women

    16 September 2014 KABUL - Given the major role played by mediation in cases of violence against women in Afghanistan, a range of experts gathered at a United Nations-backed conference in the Afghan

  2. Journalist protection the focus of televised debates in Afghanistan’s east

    13 May 2018 JALALABAD - While media should continue to play a crucial role in democracy and freedom of expression, Afghan journalists must be protected, participants said in televised discussi

  3. Afghan electoral body starts audit of results of Presidential election run-off

    17 July 2014 KABUL - One of Afghanistan’s electoral management bodies, the Independent Election Commission (IEC), today started the audit of the ballots cast in the country’s Presidential el

  4. Youth’s role in building peace spotlighted in televised UN-backed debate

    17 August 2017 JALALABAD - The advocacy role of young Afghans in working with government to fight corruption, promote women’s equality and bring about sustainable peace was the focus of a UN-back

  5. Women’s participation in elections vital for Afghanistan’s democracy

    3 April 2018 JALALABAD - As voters, candidates and electoral officials, women’s participation in the upcoming elections is a crucial component for strengthening Afghanistan’s democracy, said pa

  6. Top UN official meets with US leaders on Afghanistan

    25 March 2009 24 March 2009 - The United Nations envoy for Afghanistan is in Washington D.C.

  7. UN urges safe passage for aid en route to western Afghanistan

    19 May 2009... 2009 - The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) has joined the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) in calling ...

  8. UN offices in Afghanistan targeted by militant rocket fire

    29 July 2009 KABUL - Rebel insurgents in Afghanistan have launched a rocket attack on a United Nations compound in the western province of Herat, causing damage to a vehicle and equipment, the

  9. Afghan prohibition of under-age police recruitment wins UN applause

    11 May 2010... 2010 - The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) today welcomed a ban on the recruitment of people under the age of 18 ...

  10. United Nations "Global Open Days for Women and Peace 2010” marked in Afghanistan

    13 June 2010 12 June 2010 - Top UN envoy to Afghanistan Staffan de Mistura held a dialogue with Afghan women peace actors during the commemoration in Afghanistan of the week-long United Nations “Global Open Day
