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  1. Important role played by domestic observers in parliamentary elections

    16 October 2018... elections, the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) highlights the importance of domestic observers, as well as ...

  2. Paktya political leaders work together to promote fair and transparent elections

    14 March 2017... parties from across Paktya Province have come together in a UNAMA-facilitated meeting to openly and frankly discuss their role in election ...

  3. Spirit behind Afghan women’s peace petition should be maintained and grown - Kubiš

    2 April 2014... women to maintain and build on the momentum behind a recent petition – signed by more than 250,000 ...

  4. COVID-19 News and Information

    6 April 2020 United Nations in Afghanistan and COVID-19 The United Nations family in Afghanistan continues to provide extensive support to the country’s response to COVID-19.

  5. Empowering Afghan women the focus of UN workshop in Kabul

    29 December 2015 KABUL  - The promotion of women’s greater participation in Afghan society and practical solutions to address the many challenges they face in public life were the main topics at a U

  6. Polls close peacefully in Nangarhar

    20 August 2009 20 August 2009 - 5:38 pm: Early indications suggest an encouraging turnout in Nangarhar though some polling centres saw a low turnout – as low as about 170 in one of the polling centres at the Medi

  7. UN report calls for end to arbitrary detention in Afghanistan

    27 March 2009 26 March 2009 - A new United Nations report, revealing that Afghans are often detained without lawful reason, recommends a range of changes to laws and procedures of the criminal justice system in

  8. UN Day marked in Paktya

    9 November 2010 4 November 2010 - UN Day was marked on Sunday 31 October in Gardez, the provincial capital of Paktya province.  

  9. Kapisa youth stepping in to fill leadership roles

    24 January 2019 MAHMUD RAQI - Young peo

  10. UN youth assembly in New York to highlight education for all

    12 July 2013 NEW YORK - Hundreds of students from around the world are gathering at United Nations Headquarters in New York today to take part in a youth assembly, dedic...
