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  1. Minister Barmak opens 2.6-kilometre road in Kabul

    4 September 2013 KABUL - Today H.E.

  2. Kandahar forum discusses importance of ensuring nobody is disenfranchised

    17 April 2018 KANDAHAR - Educating citizens about their voting rights, and removing barriers that disenfranchise women and rural communities will improve voter turnout in upcoming elections said participants of

  3. Clean and green: Renewable energy for Afghanistan

    16 May 2009 16 May 2009 - The district of Surkh-e-Parsa lies at the upper end of the Ghorband Valley, not far from where the road begins to climb the bare hills to the Shibar Pass.  

  4. Afghan children promote peace through circus

    21 April 2013 KABUL - Young girls and boys from an Afghan circus school enthralled today a large ...

  5. Civil society learns to deal with the media

    4 August 2009 4 August 2009 - During his twenty four years of service as a schoolteacher, followed by a few years of experience as an NGO worker, 54-year-old Muhamad Noorzai didn’t know “anything about media”.

  6. Analysis: Why the aid drawdown in Afghanistan could be a good thing

    26 March 2012 KABUL - One hillside in Pashtun Kot District in the northern Afghan province of Faryab stands out.

  7. Parwan community leaders discuss challenges, way forward to peaceful future

    3 January 2019... CHARIKAR  - The active participation of all Afghans in peace-building is necessary for creating a more stable, inclusive and peaceful country, said panellists in a UN-backed radio p ...

  8. Afghans and UN share goal of peaceful, prosperous future, says top envoy

    23 February 2016... prosperous future for Afghanistan is a goal shared by Afghans and the United Nations, said a senior UN official during a university e ...

  9. Travel pains: Treating those fleeing the fighting

    9 May 2010 KABUL - Mohammed Ibrahim thought life would be easier in Kabul after leaving Helmand's insecurity behind.

  10. Accurate information empowers communities in Afghanistan’s fight against Covid-19

    18 May 2020 KABUL  - Access to accurate information helps reduce anxiety and serves to empower Afghanistan’s communities in
