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  1. Excerpted remarks of UN special envoy Ján Kubiš during a media encounter with IEC Chairman Nuristani

    2 August 2014 KABUL -  The following are excerpted remarks from the Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Afghanistan, Ján Kubiš, during a media encounter with the Chairman of the Indepe

  2. UN further strengthens expertise in election audit

    27 August 2014 KABUL - The United Nations today reinforced the expertise in the Presidential elections audit process with a senior elections advisor, Mr.

  3. UN-implemented projects in eastern Afghanistan benefit thousands

    30 December 2014 JALALABAD   - The United Nations agency responsible for promoting environmentally and socially sustainable cities and towns recently completed construction of several development pr

  4. UN launches this season’s winter assistance in south-eastern Afghanistan

    3 January 2015... humanitarian agencies this week launched an assistance programme for people affected by this year’s harsh winter in the country’s ...

  5. Afghan women and youth to benefit from UN-supported literacy and vocational training scheme

    20 January 2015... KABUL -   The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) is supporting some 90,000 Afghans, mainly women, with literacy and vocational training over the next two ...

  6. Government, UN support efforts to enhance role of police women in Nangarhar

    15 February 2015 JALALABAD - The number of Afghan police women in the eastern province of Nangarhar has grown, due in part to a new initiative supported by the Ministry of Interior and the United N

  7. UNAMA distributes legal books to judicial officials

    5 March 2015 KUNDUZ -  The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) this week distributed copies of the Afghan Constitution and dozens of books on Afghan law to judicial official

  8. UN envoy welcomes Afghanistan’s commitment to eliminate torture

    8 April 2015... initiative in developing and implementing a national action programme for the eliminat ...

  9. Kunduz women discuss human rights, peace process

    21 April 2015... of Afghanistan in laying the foundations for sustainable peace and development ...

  10. ‘Beautiful and fascinating’ Bamyan landscapes country’s newest protected area

    7 June 2015 BAMYAN - The Shah Foladi region of central Bamyan province – which includes one of Afghanistan’s most beautiful and fascinating landscapes, the Shah Foladi Valley – has been declar
