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  1. UNHCR: Decades assisting refugees in Afghanistan

    20 June 2009 KABUL - For decades Afghans made up the world’s largest refugee population with up to eight ...

  2. Modern technology reaches Afghan schools

    13 July 2009 13 July 2009 - Nearly 400 students at a school in the eastern province of Nangarhar are learning their lessons with new laptop computers.  

  3. Planning for Afghanistan’s resilience to a changing climate

    3 March 2015 KABUL - In June, Afghanistan’s National Environmental Protection Agency (NEPA) declared the Shah Foladi region of Bamyan province as the third protected area in the country.

  4. UNODC Executive Director and Afghan President meet against backdrop of mounting drug production

    28 November 2011 KABUL - Executive Director of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime ( UNODC ), Yury Fedotov, has met President Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan a

  5. Towards more sustainable solutions for returnees

    27 February 2012... in the eastern Afghan city of Jalalabad, watching fellow Afghans walk by with packages of assistance from aid agencies. ...

  6. Protection of civilians is the responsibility of all parties to the conflict

    8 February 2018 JALALABAD - Civilians must be protected from attacks and the impact of conflict by warring parties stressed participants at a UN-backed television roundtable in the eastern provinc

  7. Afghanistan’s vast natural resources can fuel conflict unless managed properly – UN report

    24 June 2013... of Afghanistan’s vast natural resources can contribute to peace-building in the conflict-affected country, but it also can trigger a ...

  8. Participation of women in public life necessary for Afghanistan’s development

    25 July 2019 FAIZABAD - The participation of women in political and national processes is necessary for Afghanistan's development, say participants of a UNAMA-backed event in Faizabad, capital

  9. Afghan villagers see better future for their children, thanks to UN-funded hydro project

    31 October 2010 31 October 2010 - With a UN-funded micro-hydro project due to be completed next month, locals of Nawlam village in eastern Laghman province hope that the 30-KW electricity it generates will allow t

  10. UN envoy on children and armed conflict wraps up Kabul visit

    31 January 2011 KABUL - The United Nations envoy on children and armed conflict today met with Afghan human rights leaders and members of the international community before wrapping up a two day v
