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  1. Support for Kandahar media professionals the focus of UN meeting

    28 February 2016 KANDAHAR - UNAMA expressed its commitment to freedom of expression and continuing support to media in Afghanistan during a meeting with journalists in Kandahar city today.

  2. Afghan women journalists gather to discuss professional empowerment

    6 March 2016 KABUL - Empowering women media professionals to overcome the challenges they encounter in their work was a key focus of a two-day national conference that brought together more tha

  3. Progress toward peace in Afghanistan essential for stability and prosperity, says UN envoy

    15 March 2016 NEW YORK - Without a peace process, the sustainability and viability of all efforts to bring stability and prosperity to Afghanistan will be called into question, said Nicholas Hay

  4. UN family extends warm regards to Afghans on Nowruz

    17 March 2016 KABUL - Nowruz is a special occasion for Afghans. It is a time for renewal and celebration, promoting values of peace and solidarity between generations and communities.

  5. Secretary-General appoints Tadamichi Yamamoto of Japan as Special Representative for Afghanistan

    18 March 2016 NEW YORK - United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today announced the appointment of Tadamichi Yamamoto of Japan as his Special Representative for the United Nations Assistan

  6. Education and healthcare at risk for children in Afghanistan

    18 April 2016 KABUL - Children in Afghanistan increasingly struggle to access healthcare and education, the UN said in the report released today, ‘Education and Healthcare at Risk – Key trends a

  7. Afghan cyclists bring message of peace to UN Headquarters

    21 May 2016 NEW YORK - On a round-the-world trip to promote peace that included cycling 7,000 miles from Istanbul, an Afghan father and son arrived Friday morning at United Nations Headquarter

  8. UNAMA concerned by civilian abductions and hostage-taking

    2 June 2016... KABUL - The UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) is deeply concerned by the spate of abductions, ...

  9. UNAMA condemns attacks in Kabul and Badakhshan

    20 June 2016... KABUL, 20 June 2016 – The UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) expresses grave concern about today’s series ...

  10. Imperative for Afghanistan to make progress on economy and security, says UN envoy

    21 June 2016 NEW YORK - Progress on the economy and improving security is imperative so that Afghans have confidence in their government, said Nicholas Haysom, the UN Secretary-General’s Specia
