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  1. United Nations concerned over killing of civilians in Kunar province

    8 April 2013... KABUL -  The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) expresses its serious concern over the deaths of ...

  2. NANGARHAR: 'Tired' of reporting conflict, journalists demand protection of civilians

    10 April 2013 NANGARHAR -  Tired of filing news reports on civilian casualties and other war reports, a local group of journalists and writers submitted a petition to the local government authori

  3. Afghan female police to improve literacy through mobile phone programme

    16 April 2013 KABUL - Afghan police women will be able to use their mobile phones to improve their literacy through a United Nations-backed programme which helps them overcome some of the challe

  4. Afghan children promote peace through circus

    21 April 2013 KABUL - Young girls and boys from an Afghan circus school enthralled today a large audience – comprising mainly children from orphanages – with their skills in gymnastic, juggling

  5. Afghan civil society demands free and fair elections in 2014

    24 April 2013 KABUL - A network of 25 civil society organizations (CSOs) today made public their recommendations for organization of the 2014 presidential elections in Afghanistan, calling on al

  6. NANGARHAR: Workshop promotes dialogue for resolution of local conflicts

    28 April 2013... - At a workshop hosted last week by the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) in the eastern regional hub of Jalalabad, ...

  7. United Nations condemns deliberate targeting of civilians in Farah attack

    4 April 2013... KABUL - The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) strongly condemns an attack against a Government ...

  8. NANGARHAR: Journalists concerned over safety during transformation decade

    19 May 2013 NANGARHAR - Journalists in Afghanistan's eastern provinces have expressed concerns over their safety and financial sustainability during the so-called transformation decade startin

  9. UN calls on Afghan authorities to ensure full implementation of EVAW law

    20 May 2013...   KABUL - The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) and UN Women have urged Afghan authorities to ...

  10. Khost festival promotes peace through the spoken word

    29 May 2013 KHOST - Hailing from provinces as far away as Logar and Maydan Wardak, some 2,000 people flocked to the south-eastern Afghan province of Khost to attend a festival aimed at promoti
