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  1. Buy Afghan goods first

    10 June 2009 KABUL - The top UN envoy in Afghanistan has urged the international community in the country to buy locally-produced products and promote Afghan goods and services.

  2. Quiet sound of dialogue needed for peace: UN envoy

    19 June 2009 18 June 2009 - The UN’s seniormost official in Afghanistan, Special Representative Kai Eide, has called for peace to be at the top of the country’s post-election agenda saying that the “quiet sound

  3. UN envoy sees potential to end conflict amid ‘complex’ situation

    1 July 2009 30 June 2009 - The current situation in Afghanistan - marked by the most intense fighting in years, and upcoming presidential polls - is extremely complex, but if managed well could also become a t

  4. Government and donors must build on coordination efforts to boost progress

    6 July 2009 KABUL - Improved coordination between the Government of Afghanistan and the international community is boosting development efforts across Afghanistan, says a senior United Nations

  5. UN Special Representative Eide urges Afghans to challenge violence against women

    8 July 2009 KABUL - UN Special Representative Kai Eide warned on Wednesday that violence against women in Afghanistan was not being faced up to within the community and said this was holding A

  6. UN envoy calls on donors to back Afghanistan’s own vision for a civilian ‘surge’

    8 July 2009 KABUL - UN envoy Kai Eide on Wednesday welcomed Afghan Government plans to tie a proposed ‘surge’ of civilian international experts to the country’s most pressing rebuilding needs.

  7. Violence against Afghan women widespread and unpunished, finds UN report

    9 July 2009 KABUL - Violence against women, including rape, is widespread in Afghanistan, according to a new United Nations report, which details the extent of the problem against a backdrop o

  8. New UNAMA radio show on air

    10 July 2009... 10 July 2009 - The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan launches a new radio programme this Saturday. .   ...

  9. UNAMA tells international community to buy local

    19 July 2009... KABUL - The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) and the Peace Dividend Trust today met with ...

  10. UNAMA Radio launches on iTunes

    21 July 2009 21 July 2009 - The UN Mission in Afghanistan has started its own special page on iTunes for its radio ...
