Quiet sound of dialogue needed for peace: UN envoy

19 Jun 2009

Quiet sound of dialogue needed for peace: UN envoy

18 June 2009 - The UN’s seniormost official in Afghanistan, Special Representative Kai Eide, has called for peace to be at the top of the country’s post-election agenda saying that the “quiet sound of dialogue”, not the “brutal sound of weapons”, is ultimately the only way for peace to be achieved.


“We need a peace process,” said the UN envoy, while addressing the National Peace Jirga of Afghanistan on Thursday, stressing that such a process should include all parts of Afghan society.

“If we want to unite this country for peace, no part can be excluded from that process,” said Mr Eide.

“A process which comes at the cost of the rights of parts of the population will not lead to durable peace.” He said an “Afghan-made” and “Afghan-owned” peace process needed to take its inspiration from “your culture, your tradition and your religion”.

Stressing the role of religion in promoting peace, Mr Eide, who is also the head of the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA), told the gathering of about 1,000 religious leaders, Members of Parliament, tribal leaders, elders and intellectuals from across the country in the Afghan capital that the role of religious leaders for peace is critical.

He said that although the world’s religions have been used to justify war and suffering over the centuries, religion must be a powerful tool and powerful inspiration for peace.

“The role of you, the religious leaders of this country to mobilize the people and its leaders in a campaign for peace, is of critical importance if we are to succeed.”

Other speakers at the gathering highlighted the importance of peace in the light of Islam. Thursday’s National Peace Jirga meeting was the second national gathering of its kind, although these kinds of events are regularly held at local level.

The UN envoy highlighted the need for placing a process of peace and reconciliation at the top of the political agenda after the 20 August presidential and provincial council elections.

Mr Eide said it’s a part of the UN’s mandate to support the people and leaders of Afghanistan for peace. “I am dedicated to giving that support.”


SRSG's full speech

By Tilak Pokharel, UNAMA