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  1. Meaningful participation of Afghan women in peace the focus of ‘open days’ dialogues

    2 December 2018 KABUL  - With a special focus in 2018 on the meaningful participation of women in peace init

  2. Make ‘honest efforts’ to end conflict, Afghan religious scholars tell warring sides

    10 April 2013 KABUL - At a conference linked to efforts on how to achieve a sustainable peace in Afghanistan this week, noted religious scholars from across the country called on warring sides t

  3. Importance of girls’ education highlighted in TV debates in northern provinces

    14 June 2016 KUNDUZ - For the economic development of the Afghanistan’s northern provinces, it is critically important for Afghan girls to be able to pursue an education, said panellists during

  4. Elections must be “Afghan-led and –owned,” UNAMA official tells seminar

    6 October 2013 KABUL - Addressing a seminar in the western Afghan city of Herat, a senior United Nations official stressed that a key principal for the international community’s approach on th

  5. Empowering women entrepreneurs the focus of UN-backed event in Farah

    12 June 2016 FARAH - Providing Afghan women with equal access to entrepreneurial funding mechanisms was the focus of a lively UN-backed debate in the sparsely populated western province of Fara

  6. International support to Kunduz remains essential, says UN political chief

    1 November 2016 KUNDUZ - The United Nations will do everything in its power to support the people of Kunduz, said UNAMA’s political chief during a meeting with government officials, civil society

  7. On Human Rights Day, UN highlights 20 years of progress as well as challenges ahead

    10 December 2013 KABUL - The United Nations is observing Human Rights Day around the world today by recognizing human rights achievements made over the p...

  8. Kunduz youth and peace spotlighted in UN-backed radio programme

    3 July 2017 KUNDUZ - The advocacy role of young Afghans in working with government to fight corruption, promote women’s equality and bring about sustainable peace was the focus of a UN-backed

  9. UN welcomes Afghan government’s efforts to end recruitment and use of children in security forces

    1 August 2014 KABUL / NEW YORK -  The United Nations today welcomed the Government of Afghanistan’s commitment to end and prevent the recruitment of children in the Afghan national security force

  10. Maydan Wardak journalists call independent media critical for Afghanistan’s future

    16 November 2017 MAIDAN SHAHR - Participants at a UN-backed event in the central province of Maydan Wardak stressed the importance of a free and independent press to social and economic development
