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  1. On World Toilet Day, UN chief highlights importance of sanitation for health and environment

    19 November 2013... KABUL - Highlighting serious health consequences due to the lack of access to hygienic sanitation facilities ...

  2. UN report predicts rise in opium cultivation in Afghanistan this year

    15 April 2013... today predicts an increase in opium cultivation in 12 of Afghanistan’s 34 provinces this year. ...


    19 January 2023 Women and girls are disproportionately affected by conflict, they experience conflict differently and therefore understand peace differently.

  4. High rates of suicide and domestic violence against Afghan women, new reports show

    7 August 2010 7 August 2010 - Women in Afghanistan suffer “extremely high rates of domestic violence” which ...

  5. Health Authorities Call for Continued TB Support

    3 April 2012 KABUL - WHO and the Afghanistan Stop TB Partnership suggested an urgent need for studies to explore why Afghanistan is the world’s only country with higher rates of tuberculosis (T ...

  6. GHAZNI: First local health magazine published

    12 June 2012 KABUL - The first ever health magazine comprising information on health relevant issues was published in Ghazni province. ...


    15 January 2023 UNAMA is strictly impartial and independent in its work that is focused on helping all parties to better protect civilians from the armed conflict. UNAMA’s civilian casualty documentation is one of a range of measures undertaken by t...

  8. UNODC Reports Major Drug Abuse in Afghanistan

    21 June 2010... KABUL - A survey on Drug Use in Afghanistan, issued today by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, shows t ...

  9. UNODC reports major drug abuse in Afghanistan

    21 June 2010... 21 June 2010 - A survey on Drug Use in Afghanistan, issued today by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, shows that around ...

  10. Urbanization and health

    8 April 2010 NEW YORK - World Health Day 2010 focused on urbanization and health with the campaign "1000 cities - 1000 lives" calling on cities worldwide to open up streets for health activitie ...
