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  1. Senior UN envoy appeals for end to brutal attacks in Afghanistan

    1 October 2009... 30 September 2009 - A senior United Nations official in Afghanistan has appealed for an end to brutal attacks such as the one that ...

  2. Insecurity continues to pose challenge to assisting displaced Pakistanis in eastern Afghanistan

    18 August 2014 KABUL -  In the aftermath of tens of thousands of Pakistani nationals being displaced into the Afghan provinces of Khost and Paktika, the United Nations agency coordinating humanita

  3. Herat UN70 event celebrates Afghan professionals

    19 November 2015 HERAT  - The extraordinary work of a group of Afghan professionals was celebrated at a photographic exhibition in Herat today as part of events marking UN70.

  4. UN team assesses humanitarian situation in Zabul province

    27 May 2015... southern regional officials visited Qalat, the capital of Afghanistan’s Zabul province, to asses ...

  5. UN refugee agency begins distribution of winter supplies in northern Afghanistan

    17 December 2013... KABUL - Ahead of Afghanistan’s harsh winter conditions setting in, the Office of the United ... High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the Afghan Ministry of Refugees and R ...

  6. Daikundi civil society & local government forge closer ties for improved governance

    24 May 2016 NILI - Emphasizing the key role of civil society in promoting good governance in local government was the aim of a UNAMA-backed forum in Daikundi province.

  7. Global Handwashing Day: It saves lives!

    15 October 2009 KABUL - Students across Kabul today celebrated Global Handwashing Day, which highlights the importance of hand-washing with soap and water as one of the most effective and affordab

  8. Conflict continues to take a devastating toll on civilians - UN report

    8 August 2012... the first six months of 2012, conflict-related violence in Afghanistan continued to take a devastating toll on civilians, the United Nations Mission in Afghanistan (UNAM ...

  9. Conflict Continues to Take a Devastating Toll on Civilians

    9 August 2012... the first six months of 2012, conflict-related violence in Afghanistan continued to take a devastating toll on civilians, the United Nations Mission in Afghanistan (UNAM ...

  10. Floods and earthquakes destroy thousands of homes across Afghanistan

    27 April 2009 KABUL - While many farmers are happy with the spring rains this year which should result in good harvests, many Afghans have suffered heavily from floods caused by the recent heavy
