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  1. On biodiversity day, threat to Afghanistan’s water sources spotlighted

    22 May 2013... KABUL - From mountain glaciers to rural wetlands, Afghanistan is rich in biodiversity but these sources of water are coming under ...

  2. Legal practitioners assess forced and underage marriages in Afghanistan

    18 December 2011 KABUL - Over 80 representatives from Judiciary, Attorney General’s Office, Ministry of Interior, Prosecutors, human rights and civil society organizations ...

  3. Agricultural projects boosting employment in Afghanistan

    25 January 2010 KABUL - Conservation in Afghanistan is moving forward as a major UN-supported project has produced ...

  4. Election training for 35,000 Afghan police officers

    21 June 2009... KABUL - A major programme is underway in Afghanistan to train 35,000 police officers in time for the 20 August ...

  5. Election training for 35,000 Afghan police officers

    31 May 2009... 31 May 2009 - A major programme is underway in Afghanistan to train 35,000 police officers in time for the 20 August ...

  6. 1,200 poor families in Afghanistan’s Central Highlands receive UN winter assistance

    21 January 2013... KABUL - A total of 1,200 poor returnee families in Afghanistan’s Central Highlands Region have received non-food items and ...

  7. Election training for 35,000 Afghan police officers

    31 May 2009... 31 May 2009 - A major programme is underway in Afghanistan to train 35,000 police officers in time for the 20 August ...

  8. Election training for 35,000 Afghan police officers

    21 June 2009... 31 May 2009 - A major programme is underway in Afghanistan to train 35,000 police officers in time for the 20 August ...

  9. 2.8 million children to be reached in Afghan polio immunization drive

    14 February 2010... years old in southern, south-eastern, western and eastern Afghanistan will be targeted by a new three-day polio eradication drive to be ...

  10. 2.8 million children to be reached in Afghan polio immunization drive

    16 February 2010... years old in southern, south-eastern, western and eastern Afghanistan will be targeted by a new three-day polio eradication drive to be ...
