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  1. UN Population Fund to invest US$82M for maternal health, Afghan youth

    8 February 2015... KABUL - To promote reproductive health, youth empowerment, gender equality and the access to and use of accurate data in the country, the Government of Afghanistan and the United N ...

  2. OCHA floods update

    10 May 2010... 2010 - The following is an update on the floods situation in Afghanistan by the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). ...

  3. Afghan anti-graft body reports unlawful land usurpation, import of substandard medicines

    19 November 2014 KABUL -  A United Nations-backed high-level anti-corruption body today said that over 1.2 million jeribs of land (approx.

  4. One day celebration, one year campaign

    7 April 2010 7 April 2010 - Afghanistan joins World Health Day today with efforts being stepped up to address urban health issues ...

  5. Stolen Afghan artefacts return home

    9 July 2009 KABUL - More than seven thousand Afghan artefacts which were stolen and smuggled out of the country have returned home over the past two years.

  6. Children’s mental health in a conflict environment (Dari)

    20 January 2016 19 January 2016  - This week’s Afghanistan Emrooz looks at children’s mental health in Afghanistan.   The programme also highlights the negative ...

  7. Children’s mental health in a conflict environment (Pashto)

    21 January 2016 21 January 2016  - This week’s Afghanistan Emrooz looks at children’s mental health in Afghanistan.   The programme also highlights the negative ...

  8. Access to good quality health as part of human rights (Dari)

    28 September 2015 8 September 2015 - This week’s Afghanistan Emrooz programme focuses on access to quality healthcare as an ... The programme not only details the human rights issues of health services, but also identifies the changes the government is making to ...

  9. Window for political dialogue may be opening in Afghanistan, Ban reports

    20 December 2010... is an increasing sense that conditions for reconciliation in Afghanistan are becoming more favourable and that there may soon be a real ...

  10. NANGARHAR: Media reports questioned in Jalalabad

    24 July 2013... - A member of the Nuristan provincial council disputed media reports about the number of schools closed in the province due to insecurity. ...
