KANDAHAR: KPC holds its regular meeting

12 Jun 2012

KANDAHAR: KPC holds its regular meeting

KANDAHAR - Kandahar Provincial Council held its regular meeting chaired by the PC Head Haji Ehsan Ehsan who submitted the report of “Good Coordination” meeting which was held in Kandahar Governor House. 

According to Mr. Ehsan the meeting, aimed to establish Good Coordination between Maiwand, Zherai and Panjwai districts, and was attended by the DGs from mentioned districts. The DGs were requested by the PG not to allow any projects to be implemented in the district until fully coordinated with the Governor House.

In another issue, KPC showed concern over less part given to Kandahar’s pilgrims for the current year as around 110 decreased comparing to previous years. In addition, Head of Kandahar Education Department also participated in the PC meeting who was requested by the PC members to better organize their future plans and activity by taking advantage from summer holidays. Chief Administrators from two High Schools (Kaka Sayed Ahmad and Haji Mirwais Khan High Schools) were awarded by the PC members for their better performances.

At the end of today’s KPC meeting, District Governor of Khakriz Haji Abdul Qayum, who was invited to PC’s meeting, was requested by the members to kindly monitor and make improvements to ALP’s performances since PC had received some complaints from local residents.

Source: Kandahar Radio Television (State Run)