Day 12 of the 16 Days of Activism against Gender Violence: Amida’s story

6 Dec 2011

Day 12 of the 16 Days of Activism against Gender Violence: Amida’s story

KABUL - The 16 Days of Activism against Gender Violence is an international campaign that runs from 25 November, International Day of Elimination of Violence against Women, through 10 December, International Human Rights Day.

This year’s theme is “From Peace in the Home to Peace in the World” highlighting the key roles women play in the family and as peacemakers and peacekeepers in war zones. In Afghanistan, support for women’s issues is one of the five priorities of the United Nations agencies and programmes.

Today’s story is authored by UNAMA

“When my husband died, my in-laws forced me to leave the house, which was actually in my mahr (dowry). Since I was an illiterate woman, I didn’t know if I had any legal rights,” said Amida, a mother of six whose husband was killed in a suicide attack in Laghman province.

With the help of her neighbour and a local organization, Amida learned that she had legal opportunities and was determined to use them.

“I learned about my Islamic and legal rights. Then I went to family court and demanded my property. The shura referred me to legal aid and I received a free lawyer who defended my cases. As a result, I got my house back.”

Amida has now finished high school and is helping her daughters get an education. She works with the same organization that helped her through legal aid, and is advocating for greater women’s access to education and clinics.

Amida said that legal protection is key for women’s rights. The lawyers who defended her case utilized the Afghanistan Constitution and the Elimination of Violence against Women Law which criminalises both forced marriage and denial of inheritance.

The United Nations is working with the Government and its partners to give force to the Law on Elimination of Violence against Women (EVAW) and raise awareness about its importance.

Educated women and healthy families are the foundation of a peaceful and progressive Afghanistan.