BADAKHSHAN: 130,000 issued voter cards

5 Nov 2013

BADAKHSHAN: 130,000 issued voter cards

BADAKHSHAN - The Independent Election Commission (IEC) on Tuesday said the voter registration campaign had been slow, but successful, in north-eastern Badakhshan province, where 130,000 people, with 40 per cent of them being women, have been issued voter cards.

The IEC chief for Badakhshan, Abdul Malik Hanifi, told Pajhwok Afghan News, that mobile teams had been dispatched to all remote areas and they had local support.

But some residents complain they have not obtained voter cards due to security problems and long distances to reach registration centres.

A resident of Khustak area of Jurm district, Abdul Karim, said the Taliban continued to hold sway in the area. He said locals feared the insurgents could unleash atrocities on them if they attempted to get voter cards.

He requested the electoral authorities to ensure those missed in the registration drive were able to participate in the April 5 elections.

A resident of Nusi district, Shamsullah, said most registration centres had been set up far away from villages, depriving those living in remote parts from obtaining voter cards. He said another problem facing residents was lack of transportation services.

Governor Shah Wali-u-llah Adeeb confirmed security concerns had an effect on the registration process, but said security forces had been tasked with providing security for voter registration centres in all parts. He said, if necessary, mobile teams would be airlifted to remote parts to register voters.

Source: Pajhwok Afghan News