Press releases

  • 20 Jun 2016 - KABUL, 20 June 2016 – The UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) expresses grave concern about today’s series of attacks in civilian populated areas that killed and maimed civilians across Afghanistan. UNAMA condemns in the strongest terms the detonation of an improvised explosive device (IED) in a bazaar in Kishem district, Badakhshan province that killed ten civilians including five children, and injured 36 others, mostly children.
  • 20 Jun 2016 - Forced displacement has reached unprecedented levels, with more than 65 million people uprooted from their homes globally. New and recurring conflicts, and ever-more disturbing forms of violence and persecution, are driving people to flee in search of safety within their own countries, or to cross international borders as asylum seekers or refugees. Others are living in long-term exile, as solutions to protracted conflicts remain elusive.
  • 10 Jun 2016 - KABUL - On behalf of the United Nations in Afghanistan, I condemn the attack targeting civilians gathered for Friday prayers at the Hisarak Jami Mosque in Rodat district, Nangarhar province. The attack killed at least three civilians and injured more than 70 others – including 31 boys – with at least two in critical condition.
  • 06 Jun 2016 - KABUL - On behalf of the United Nations in Afghanistan, I would like to present my best wishes for the Holy month of Ramadan, a time of reverence and peace. I sincerely hope that the people of Afghanistan will be able to use this time for reflection, patience and tolerance. Most especially during Ramadan, I call upon all parties to the conflict to respect this month and allow Afghan families to worship in peace.
  • 05 Jun 2016 - KABUL - The UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) condemns today’s attack in Pul-e-Alam town of Logar Province in which seven civilians were killed and more than 20 injured.
