UN envoy Nicholas Haysom condemns attack targeting Baghlan civilians
KABUL - On behalf of the United Nations in Afghanistan, I condemn the attack targeting civilians gathered for Iftar at the Grand Mosque in Pul-e-Khomri, Baghlan province. The attack wounded more than 40 civilians, with many in critical condition
An improvised explosive device planted at the mosque detonated during an Iftar dinner for 500 people. The government had arranged the event to distribute oil and rice to the poorest families of the city.
An attack deliberately targeting families, colleagues and friends praying together in a mosque is another horrific example of the conflict in Afghanistan. Such attacks highlight the perpetrators’ intent to destroy lives, and spread terror among the civilian population.
The cold statistics of civilian casualties do not adequately capture the horror these bombs cause, the torn bodies of children, wives and daughters, sons and fathers. These statistics don’t reveal the grieving families and the loss of shocked communities of ordinary Afghans. These are the real consequences of those acts of terror.
This cynical act of terror is a particularly cowardly act. It is an attack bereft of humanity, in violation of national and international law, and is contrary to the precepts and principles of Islam.
With more than 100 civilians injured or killed in the past two days, I reiterate UNAMA’s repeated calls for the immediate cessation of attacks targeting the civilian population. The perpetrators of this war crime must be held accountable.
On behalf of the United Nations in Afghanistan, I express our deep condolences to the families of the victims and wish a speedy recovery for the injured.