Statement by Tadamichi Yamamoto on attack targeting religious leaders in Kabul

21 Nov 2018

Statement by Tadamichi Yamamoto on attack targeting religious leaders in Kabul

KABUL - On behalf of the United Nations in Afghanistan, I unequivocally condemn yesterday’s attack in which scores of civilians were killed and injured.

The facts in this incident are clear. The explosion occurred last night at an event facility where religious leaders had gathered peacefully to mark a day of special significance.

I reiterate that under no circumstances are such attacks justifiable.

The attack in Kabul yesterday is nothing short of an atrocity, and those who have organized and enabled it must be brought to justice and held to account.

The United Nations continues to stand with all Afghans in solidarity and remains committed to an Afghan-led peace process that will end the ongoing war and enable the government to allocate more resources to protect all its citizens from such atrocities.

All parties have the obligation under international humanitarian law to protect civilians, at all times.

On behalf of the United Nations in Afghanistan, I express deep condolences to the families of the victims and wish a speedy recovery of the injured.

Tadamichi Yamamoto is the Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Afghanistan and head of the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA).