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  1. UN drafts plan to improve maternal and child health through better nutrition

    25 May 2011... 23 May 2011 - The United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) has drafted a plan committing Member States and ...

  2. Greater efforts needed to protect health of Afghans, says senior UN official

    30 April 2010 26 April 2010 - A senior United Nations official today called for greater efforts to assist Afghans, who remain extremely vulnerable to a wide

  3. UNFPA and MoWA sign Annual Work Plan 2010 towards women empowerment

    11 April 2010... - The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the Afghan Ministry of Women Affairs (MoWA) have signed the Annual Work Plan on Gender as ...

  4. New hospital a relief for Afghan villagers

    9 April 2009 KABUL - More than 200,000 people will benefit from a newly constructed hospital in the Kama district of the eastern province of Nangarhar.

  5. UN agency: mental health and gender-sensitive relief key concerns in landslide-affected village

    20 May 2014... KABUL - The United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) has highlighted mental health services and gender-sensitive relief, among its key concerns, as relief ...

  6. Improving women’s access to health services in Kandahar subject of televised discussion

    21 December 2015... KANDAHAR - Afghan women must have greater access to health services, said panelists during a televised discussion in southern ...

  7. Fighting TB in the west with support from the UN health agency and donors

    20 August 2010... (TB) centre to take four different medicines in front of a health care wo ...

  8. School children across Afghanistan join in for Peace Day

    16 September 2009... as part of this year’s major Peace Day campaign in Afghanistan.   ...

  9. Afghanistan launches UN-backed protocol to treat survivors of gender-based violence

    16 November 2014... KABUL - Afghanistan launched its first-ever gender-based violence (GBV) treatment ...

  10. Carpet industries in Afghanistan’s northeast hit hard as exports plummet

    12 February 2013... KUNDUZ - Carpet traders in Afghanistan’s northeastern Kunduz Province are hit hard by sharp decline in ...
