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  1. UNAMA strongly condemns deadly attacks on civilians

    15 August 2012 KABUL - The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan strongly condemns the spate of attacks around Afghanistan yesterday that killed and injured over 200 civilians.

  2. UNAMA Strongly Condemns Deadly Attacks on Civilians

    16 August 2012 KABUL - The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan strongly condemns the spate of attacks around Afghanistan yesterday that killed and injured over 200 civilians.

  3. UN urges parties to take action as child deaths from conflict hit new high

    15 May 2017... KABUL - The UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) is deeply concerned by the ...

  4. UNAMA condemns attacks on election workers

    17 June 2014 KABUL -  The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) strongly condemns the continued, targeted killing of Afghan election workers in the wake of the historic second

  5. Presidential candidate pulls out of Afghan run-off election – UN

    1 November 2009 KABUL - With Abdullah Abdullah, the challenger to President Hamid Karzai in next week's run-off, withdrawing from the race, the top United Nations envoy to Afghanistan today expres

  6. UNAMA condemns recent attack impacting civilians

    2 July 2018 KABUL - The UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) condemns yesterday’s attack in ...

  7. Presidential candidate pulls out of Afghan run-off election – UN

    2 November 2009 1 November 2009 - With Abdullah Abdullah, the challenger to President Hamid Karzai in next week's run-off, withdrawing from the race, the top United Nations envoy to Afghanistan today expressed hop

  8. UNAMA calls for continued improvements to the electoral process

    10 June 2014 KABUL -  As preparations for the 14 June Presidential run-off vote are finalized, the United Nations Assistance Mission for Afghanistan (UNAMA) calls upon all electoral stakeholders

  9. UN officials congratulate Afghan people on largely peaceful polls

    21 August 2009 20 August 2009 - Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and his top envoy to Afghanistan have congratulated the people of the fledgling democracy on today’s presidential and provincial council elections, an

  10. Afghanistan’s first soymilk factory under construction

    3 March 2015 PARWAN - Scheduled to be completed in 2015, Afghanistan’s first soymilk factory is under construction in Parwan province, north of Kabul.
