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  1. SRSG Tadamichi Yamamoto at a press conference after the JCMB meeting

    10 July 2017 KABUL - The following is a transcript of a press conference on 10 July 2017 about the Joint Coordination and Monitoring Board Meeting.

  2. New UNAMA Office in Sar-i-Pul to drive development

    10 May 2009... 2009 - The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) continued its drive to expand its presence across Afghanistan with a new ...

  3. UNAMA proposes additional audit for preliminary results of election

    11 July 2014... the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) presented its proposal for an a ...

  4. Empowering Rural Women Key to Boosting Welfare of Societies, UN Officials Stress

    8 March 2012 NEW YORK - Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today joined other senior United Nations officials on the eve of International Women’s Day in highlighting the potential of rural women to

  5. UNAMA human rights special report on 23 July Kabul attack

    18 October 2016... the rights of religious and ethnic communities, said UNAMA in a Human Rights special report release ...

  6. UNAMA celebrates International Women’s Day in Uruzgan

    12 March 2010 12 March 2010 - In 1975, the International Women's Year, the United Nations began celebrating 8 March as International Women's Day.  

  7. UNAMA condemns killing of electoral candidate and campaign workers

    29 August 2010... 2010 - The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) condemns the killing of a fourth parliamentary election candidate, in ...

  8. Staffan de Mistura Statement on establishing new UNAMA operations centre in Kabul

    6 November 2010... Today the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) established a new operations centre in the capital Kabul. ...

  9. UNAMA concerned about delay of Wolesi Jirga inauguration

    21 January 2011... - The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) expresses its deep concern and surprise at the recent call to delay the ...

  10. UNAMA relocates international staff from Kunduz office

    27 February 2012... the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) is relocating its international staff to put in place additional a ...
